The McLaren Award: New British Animation 1
Part of the Animation Strand
Inaugurated in 1990, one of the pillars of EIFF’s awards is the McLaren Award for Best British Animation, named after Scottish born animation pioneer Norman McLaren. The finest contemporary British Animators vie for your vote as the winning film is determined by you: the audience. In this first programme we present a highly anticipated Scottish short from the pen of acclaimed comic artist Frank Quitely, reflect on the current situation in Syria; as well as the existential crisis of a GIF, courtesy of BAFTA winner Will Anderson. [15]
Nothing to Declare by Will Adams/UK/2017/8 mins
Life Cycles by Ross Hogg/UK/2016/5 mins
Escape From Syria - Faiza's Story by Jack Newman/UK/2017/5 mins
Tough by Jennifer Zheng/UK/2016/5 mins
Don't Think of a Pink Elephant by Suraya Raja/UK/2017/7 mins
Have Heart by Will Anderson/UK/2017/12 mins
Wires (A Cyber Fairy Tale) by Sam Healy/UK/2017/4 mins
Ciclope by Bjørn-Erik Aschim, Max Taylor/UK/2016/4 mins
Étude by Robert Duncan/UK/2016/4 mins
G-AAAH by Elizabeth Hobbs/UK/2016/2 mins
Tunnel Vision by Lila Babington/UK/2016/4 mins
Wednesday with Goddard by Nicolas Ménard/UK/2016/5 mins
Poles Apart by Paloma Baeza/UK/2017/12 mins