Centre for the Moving Image Environmental Policy

The Centre for the Moving Image, through the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Filmhouse and Belmont Filmhouse, is committed to managing its environmental impact, and to continue to actively find ways to reduce our carbon footprint. This is done alongside, and as part of, the Festivals Edinburgh Environmental Strategy, working closely with the City of Edinburgh Council, Aberdeen City Council, Creative Scotland and Creative Carbon Scotland.

We are pleased to hold Green Venue status from Creative Carbon Scotland for 2016 and to be part of the Green Arts Initiative.

We aim to:
• Meet or exceed all environmental industry standards and legal requirements applicable to our business.
• Actively engage staff, suppliers and customers in supporting our efforts and in turn, provide information on ways they can continue this at home or in their own businesses.
• Be fully accountable for the accurate measurement of our carbon footprint with a view to improving this year on year.
• To continue to find ways to improve our environmental performance.
• Work toward achieving ISO 20121 certification.

CMI has already taken significant measures to ensure environmental sustainability. These include:
• LED lights installed in Filmhouse Cinema 1, which operate at just 3% of previous energy consumption.
• Energy efficient hand dryers installed in public bathroom toilets which have reduced the amount of paper towels, used.
• Automatic doors installed at Filmhouse public entrance, which significantly reduce energy loss.
• Recycling station set-up in public and staff areas.
• Encourage recycling through recycling posters and Green Arts initiative branding and staff engagement.
• Monitor and record our waste, electricity, gas and water consumption as well as our staff and artist travel.
• Upgrading the Filmhouse boilers and heating control systems bringing significant gas savings.
• Working with our recycling partner Changeworks to reduce landfill and increase recycling.

Going Forward:
• Report annually on our carbon footprint from 2014/15 as required by Creative Scotland.
• Publish our Environmental Policy and green news stories on our websites.
• Communicate our Environmental Policy to new and existing suppliers/partners.
• Make our recycling practices part of our staff inductions and training.
• Install LED lights in all public areas of Filmhouse.
• We will monitor all business travel and include this in our carbon reporting.
• Where possible we will use the most environmentally-friendly travel option available i.e. train journeys for UK travel, direct flights for international travel.
• We will encourage use of public transport wherever possible.


Click here to download our Environmental Policy.

Click here to read all about our Audience Engagement Initiatives.

Click here to download an information sheet on the environmental work we've done already.


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