Slavko Martinov
Run Time
88 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
New Zealand
Director of Photography: Mike Kelland
Editor: Mike Kelland
Produced by: Slavko Martinov, Mike Kelland, David Brechin-Smith
Music: Tom McLeod
Screenplay by: Slavko Martinov
Pecking Order
Part of the Documentaries Strand
A delightful, amusing, and thoroughly absorbing documentary that takes an inside look into the fierce rivalries, club infighting, oddball judging and problematic birds that have to be dealt with by an enthusiastic bunch of New Zealand chicken breeders, all determined to come out on top at the 2015 National Poultry Show. They may be bonded by their love for their feathered friends, but there are troubles at the heart of the 148-year-old Christchurch Poultry, Bantam and Pigeon Club as rival breeders bid to run their venerable institution. [PG]