Shorts: Waking Dream
Part of the Shorts Strand
Delving into the dark corners of consciousness, this programme drifts through a nocturnal road-trip into the deep wasteland of the American dream; observes a potent process of ritual and transfiguration in a rural Colombian community; forensically unravels the ancient layers bound into a volcanic landscape; witnesses journeys made only in the imagination; and charts dream-images that hover between the liminal and the ephemeral.
Contains flashing images.
An Aviation Field (Um campo de aviação) by Joana Pimenta/Portugal, USA/2016/14 mins
Dog in the Shade by Ei Toshinari/Japan, USA/2016/11 mins
The Tale of Antonia (Le conte d'Antonia) by Jorge Cadena/Switzerland/2016/30 mins
There Lived the Colliers by Nelson MacDonald/Canada/2017/7 mins
What Happens to the Mountain by Christin Turner/USA/2016/12 mins