Ryan Heron, Andy Deere
Run Time
91 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
New Zealand
Director of Photography: Ryan Heron
Editor: Andy Deere
Produced by: Ryan Heron, Andy Deere
Music: Jeremy Toy
Sound Production: Department of Post
Part of the Documentaries Strand
A delightful and uplifting tale about following your dreams, however odd your quest for glory might seem to some. Set against the backdrop of competitive medieval combat – a hobby that becomes a bruising obsession – Bludgeon is aptly titled, as men and women fight each other with swords, axes, maces and shields. A group of medieval re-enactment enthusiasts from small-town New Zealand practise their skills, hoping for selection to the national team, which will travel to an international competition in Europe. There, they’ll face up to fighters whose countries are steeped in medieval history. [15]
Bludgeon is nominated for the 2019 Award for Best Documentary Feature Film.