Joanna Hogg
Honor Swinton Byrne, Tom Burke, Tilda Swinton, Richard Ayoade
Run Time
121 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
Director of Photography: David Raedeker
Editor: Helle Le Fevre
Produced by: Joanna Hogg, Luke Schiller
Screenplay by: Joanna Hogg
Production Designer: Stéphane Collonge
Sound Production: Jovan Ajder
The Souvenir
Part of the Best of British Strand
Honor Swinton Byrne proves that acting talent runs in the family in this story of Julie, a struggling young filmmaker knocked off her creative path when she falls for the wrong man in a bleak 1980s London. Director Joanna Hogg’s autobiographical feature is a refreshingly honest and beautifully observed tale of a young woman whose search for artistic credibility leaves her dangerously exposed. She is currently shooting a second part to the film. Also starring Tilda Swinton as Julie’s mother and Tom Burke as the wayward Anthony. [15]
The Souvenir is nominated for the 2019 Michael Powell Award for Best British Feature Film.