Kim Hopkins
Run Time
95 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
Director of Photography: Kim Hopkins
Exec Producer: Lisa Marie Russo
Editor: Leah Marino
Produced by: Margareta Szabo
Music: Terence Dunn
Screenplay by: Kim Hopkins
A Bunch of Amateurs
Part of the The Chamber Strand
This tragicomic documentary shines an affectionate spotlight on Bradford Movie Makers: established in 1932 and one of Northern England’s last remaining amateur filmmaking clubs. Members of varying vintages – middle age to bus pass – meet up to watch reels of their earlier short films. Suitably inspired, they then remake scenes from Oklahoma! with DIY CGI, while also trying to find money for a poetic horror project. Cue AGMs and arguments, care homes and cups of tea, fundraising drives and fading dreams. [15]