Catherine Haigh, Hannah Congdon
Run Time
96 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
UK, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
English, Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Russian
Exec Producer: Christopher Hird, Cathleen Trigg
Editor: Anna Zavialova
Produced by: Catherine Haigh, Hannah Congdon
Music: Hollie Buhagiar
Screenplay by: Hannah Congdon, Catherine Haigh
Sound Production: Yianis Spanos
Women Behind the Wheel
Part of the The Conversation Strand
Winners of the EIFF 2019 Works in Progress Award, documentarians Hannah Congdon and Catherine Haigh put their prize money to groundbreaking use, becoming the first women to drive the entirety of Central Asia’s Pamir Highway. Travelling for 65 days, the pair meet pioneering female communities in the predominantly Muslim republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Challenging preconceptions about these remote countries, their remarkable interviewees include doctors, teachers, mountain trekkers, ale brewers, bee keepers, LGBTQ activists and a Taekwondo world champion. [15]