Jon Sanders
Josie Lawrence, James Northcote, Tanya Myers, Anna Mottram
Run Time
88 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
Director of Photography: David Scott
Exec Producer: Alex Sainsbury
Editor: Jamie Benyon
Music: Douglas Finch
Screenplay by: Jon Sanders, Anna Mottram
A Clever Woman
Part of the The Chamber Strand
Returning to their childhood home, a house filled with art and the songs and poetry their mother once wrote, Dorothy and Phoebe deal with conflicting feelings about the difficult woman who raised them. Director Jon Sanders continues his run of independent, intimate, micro-budget features that thoughtfully engage with the inner lives of his peers – white bohemians over fifty – in a film distinguished by gorgeous widescreen cinematography that will delight fans of Joanna Hogg and slow, emotionally attuned cinema. [15]