Philip Hoffman
Run Time
71 mins
Release Year
Country of Origin
Director of Photography: Philip Hoffman
Editor: Isiah Medina, Philip Hoffman
Music: Luca Santilli, Kennedy
Sound Production: Clint Enns
Part of the Black Box Strand
Bringing together some of the ecological concerns of this year’s Black Box programme, Hoffman’s delicate and attentive gaze on farm animals – cows, horses, chickens and pigs – shows nature existing in harmony. When left to roam together in the relative absence of humans, the sensibilities of these ‘beasts’ are allowed to surface. The film was shot and processed with various means including flower and plant processing carried out as blooming occurred. Screening with Athabasca, shot during the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire in Canada. [PG]
Screening with
Athabasca Michel Wenzer, Philippe Léonard/Sweden/2019/13 min/No dialogue
Supported by