We believe in transforming lives through the watching, making and understanding of film. We are guided by our values, which underpin all of our work.


  • We believe in diversity, are committed to equality and are open, accessible and respectful
  • We believe in working collaboratively with individuals and organisations to make a difference
  • We actively seek out and work with people and organisations with a wide range of voices, with different experiences and from different backgrounds to ensure that our work is authentic.
  • We are focused on artistic quality and excellence
  • We are confident and positive
  • We are leaders in our field
  • We are creative and passionate
  • We are bold and inquisitive
  • We challenge and take risks
  • We are professional, accountable and transparent
  • We are authentic, engaging and honest
  • We believe in independence of voice and genuine choice for audiences
  • We believe in developing and delivering our strategy sustainably