EIFF Young Critics is now open for applications! This programme supports the next generation of film journalists, offering experience, skills and networking to young people with a passion for cinema.

Over the course of five days you will:

  • Be mentored by a professional critic
  • Gain access to film screenings at this year’s EIFF  
  • Attend workshops and networking events
  • Build a portfolio of reviews and have the opportunity to have your work published
  • Download the Application form below.
  • The Application form will ask you to write a 300-word review of a recent or classic film. Alternatively, you can submit a 3-minute podcast or video review.
  • Send your completed form to [email protected] with the subject line “YC Application” by 9.00 am 26th July. 
  •  If you have additional support needs or are experiencing social-economic factors that impact your ability to complete this process, please email us before the deadline and we will try to provide support.
  • All applicants should be available for the duration of this year’s EIFF (18th - 25th August 2021).

Edinburgh International Film Festival is committed to tackling the lack of diversity in film criticism. We welcome applications from underrepresented groups. In particular:

Low-income or socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds

Refugee and/or migrant backgrounds

Those who are black, Asian, mixed heritage or ethnic minority

Those who are disabled or D/deaf

LGBTQIA+ applicants


Please note that this programme will be run online. 

Deadline for applications: Monday 26th July 2021 at 9:00am

Supported by James and Morag Anderson.

In the below video, EIFF Young Critics Programme Senior Coordinator Andrew and EIFF Young Critics Programme Assistant Whelan talk more about the programme, and how you can apply!